Friday, December 27, 2019

Italian Verb Conjugations Viaggiare

Viaggiare is an uncomplicated verb of Latin origin that means to travel or to journey and that has gifted the English language with the romantic term voyage. Interestingly, viaggiare comes from the noun viaticum, whose root resides in via, or road, and that is both a term used for the Holy Eucharist (to strengthen a dying person for the journey ahead), and the term for the allowance given to Roman officials for travel on official business. Regular and Intransitive Viaggiare is a regular  first-conjugation -are  verb and it is intransitive, though conjugated with the auxiliary avere, as sometimes happens. Remember your ground rules for the auxiliary match. Since it is intransitive, you dont use viaggiare with a direct object—though you do hear people say, Ha viaggiato mezzo mondo! (hes traveled half the world!)—but rather with adverbs and descriptors of various kinds, such as complements of means or time: Viaggio poco (I dont travel much); viaggio per lavoro (I travel for work); viaggio spesso in treno (I travel often by train). Note that in Italian you do not make transportation with a certain kind of vehicle into a verb. You do not say, I fly a lot; you say, I travel by plane: viaggio in aereo (or prendo laereo). And to take a trip is fare un viaggio. Lets look at the conjugation, with a variety of uses. Indicativo Presente: Present Indicative A regular presente. Io viaggio Io viaggio volentieri in treno, in prima classe. I travel gladly by train, in first class. Tu viaggi Tu viaggi molto per lavoro. You travel a lot for work. Lui, lei, Lei viaggia Il treno viaggia con ritardo. The train is traveling with delay/the train is late. Noi viaggiamo Noi viaggiamo poco. We travel little. Voi viaggiate Voi viaggiate spesso in aereo. You travel often by plane/you fly often. Loro, Loro viaggiano I ragazzi viaggiano con la fantasia. The boys travel with their imagination. Indicativo Imperfetto: Imperfect Indicative A regular imperfetto. Io viaggiavo Prima viaggiavo volentieri in treno; adesso meno. Before I used to travel by train gladly; now less. Tu viaggiavi Quando lavoravi per FIAT viaggiavi molto per lavoro. When you worked for FIAT you used to travel a lot for work. Lui, lei, Lei viaggiava Siamo arrivati tardi perchà © il treno viaggiava con ritardo. We got here late because the train was traveling with delay/was late. Noi viaggiavamo Prima viaggiavamo poco; adesso di pià ¹. Before we used to travel little; now more. Voi viaggiavate Da giovani viaggiavate spesso in aereo. When you were young you used to travel often by plane. Loro, Loro viaggiavano A scuola i ragazzi viaggiavano sempre con la fantasia. At school the boys always traveled with their imaginations. Indicativo Passato Prossimo: Indicative Present Perfect Your first compound tense, the passato prossimo is made of the auxiliary and the participio passato, viaggiato. Io ho viaggiato Ho sempre viaggiato volentieri in treno. I have always traveled gladly by train. Tu hai viaggiato Nella tua vita hai viaggiato molto per lavoro. During your life you have traveled a lot for work. Lui, lei, Lei ha viaggiato Questa settimana il treno ha viaggiato sempre con ritardo. This week the train traveled with delay/was late all the time. Noi abbiamo viaggiato Abbiamo viaggiato poco quest'anno. This year we traveled little. Voi avete viaggiato Avete viaggiato molto in aereo? Have you traveled by plane much? Loro, Loro hanno viaggiato Tutta la loro vita i ragazzi hanno viaggiato con la fantasia. All their lives the boys have traveled with their imaginations. Indicativo Passato Remoto: Indicative Remote Past A regular passato remoto. Io viaggiai Viaggiai volentieri in treno da giovane in Germania prima della guerra. When I was young, before the war, I traveled gladly by train in Germany. Tu viaggiasti Ricordo, nel 1965 viaggiasti molto per lavoro. I remember, in 1965 you traveled a lot for work. Lui, lei, Lei viaggià ² Quel giorno il treno viaggià ² con ritardo e quando arrivammo era notte. That day the train traveled with delay and when we arrived it was nighttime. Noi viaggiammo Nella nostra vita viaggiammo poco. During our lives we traveled little. Voi viaggiaste Da giovani viaggiaste spesso in aereo, quando l'aereo era ancora una novità  . When you were young you traveled often by plane, when planes were still a novelty. Loro, Loro viaggiarono Tutta l'estate i ragazzi viaggiarono con la fantasia e scrissero nel diario. All summer long the boys traveled with their imaginations and wrote in their diaries. Indicativo Trapassato Prossimo: Indicative Past Perfect A regular trapassato prossimo, made of the imperfetto of the auxiliary and the participio passato. Io avevo viaggiato Prima dell'invenzione dell'aereo avevo sempre viaggiato volentieri in treno. Before the invention of the airplane I had always traveled gladly by train. Tu avevi viaggiato Quell'anno avevi viaggiato molto per lavoro ed eri molto stanco. That year you had traveled much for work and you were very tired. Lui, lei, Lei aveva viaggiato Il treno aveva viaggiato con ritardo perchà © c'era lo sciopero. The train had traveled with delay/was late because there had been a strike. Noi avevamo viaggiato Mi arrabbiai perchà © avevamo viaggiato poco, e dunque mio marito mi portà ² a fare un lungo viaggio. I got angry because we had traveled little, and my husband took me for a long trip. Voi avevate viaggiato Prima di morire, Marco era dispiaciuto perchà © avevate viaggiato poco. Before dying, Marco was sorry that you had traveled little. Loro, Loro avevano viaggiato Siccome che i ragazzi avevano sempre viaggiato molto con la fantasia, fecero dei bellissimi disegni di posti misteriosi. Since the boys had always traveled a lot with their imaginations, they drew beautiful drawings of mysterious places. Indicativo Trapassato Remoto: Indicative Preterite Perfect The trapassato remoto, made of the passato remoto of the auxiliary and the participio passato. A tense for remote storytelling. Io ebbi viaggiato Dopo che ebbi viaggiato tutto il giorno in treno, mi fermai per la notte. After I had traveled all day on the train, I stopped for the night. Tu avesti viaggiato Dopo che avesti viaggiato tanto per lavoro, decidesti di stare a casa. After you had traveled so much for work, you decided to stay home. Lui, lei, Lei ebbe viaggiato Dopo che il treno ebbe viaggiato con cosà ¬ tanto ritardo, arrivammo a Parigi che fummo esauriti. After the train had traveled with such delay, we arrived in Paris exhausted. Noi avemmo viaggiato Dopo che avemmo viaggiato cosà ¬ poco, ci rifacemmo con un giro del mondo! After having traveled so little, we made up for it with a trip around the world! Voi aveste viaggiato Dopo che aveste viaggiato tanto in aereo, decideste di prendere il treno per il viaggio finale. After having traveled so much on the plane, you decided to take a last trip on the train. Loro, Loro ebbero viaggiato Dopo che ebbero viaggiato cosà ¬ tanto con la fantasia, i ragazzi decidero di trovare un lavoro che gli permettesse di viaggiare davvero. After having traveled so much with their imagination, the boys decided to get a job that would allow them to travel for real. Indicativo Futuro Semplice: Indicative Simple Future A regular futuro semplice. Io viaggerà ² Viaggerà ² volentieri in treno. Mi piace molto. I will travel gladly on the train. I like it a lot. Tu viaggerai Quest'anno viaggerai molto per lavoro. This year you will travel a lot for work. Lui, lei, Lei viaggerà   Il treno oggi viaggerà   con ritardo notevole. The train today will have a notable delay. Noi viaggeremo Quest'anno viaggeremo poco. This year we will travel litte. Voi viaggerete Viaggerete spesso in aereo con il vostro lavoro nuovo? Will you travel by plane a lot with your new job? Loro, Loro viaggeranno I ragazzi viaggeranno sempre con la fantasia. The boys will always travel with their imaginations. Indicativo Futuro Anteriore: Indicative Future Perfect The futuro anteriore, made of the simple future of the auxiliary and the participio passato. Io avrà ² viaggiato Dopo che avrà ² viaggiato in treno per tutta l'Europa, mi fermerà ². After I will have traveled by train all over Europe I will stop. Tu avrai viaggiato Quando avrai viaggiato dappertutto per lavoro, andremo a fare un viaggio di piacere. When you will have traveled everywhere for work, we will take a trip for pleasure. Lui, lei, Lei avrà   viaggiato Il treno avrà   viaggiato senz'altro con ritardo. Surely the train will have been late. Noi avremo viaggiato Avremo anche viaggiato poco, ma conosceremo bene la nostra città  . We will have traveled little, but we will know our city well. Voi avrete viaggiato Quando avrete viaggiato il mondo in aereo, farete finalmente una bella crociera. When you will have traveled the world by plane, you will finally take a cruise. Loro, Loro avranno viaggiato I ragazzi avranno viaggiato tanto con la fantasia, ma avranno una fantastica creatività  . The boys will have traveled a lot with their imaginations, but they will have a fantastic creativity. Congiuntivo Presente: Present Subjunctive A regular congiuntivo presente. Che io viaggi Nonostante io viaggi volentieri in treno, ogni tanto mi piace prendere l'aereo. Though I travel gladly by train, every now and then I like to take a plane. Che tu viaggi Mi dispiace che tu viaggi tanto per lavoro. I am sorry that you travel so much for work. Che lui, lei, Lei viaggi Temo che il treno viaggi con grande ritardo. I fear that the train has a great delay. Che noi viaggiamo Temo che viaggiamo poco. I fear that we travel little. Che voi viaggiate Suppongo che voi viaggiate spesso in aereo. I assume you travel often by plane. Che loro, Loro viaggino Non à © possibile che i ragazzi viaggino sempre con la fantasia. Devono mettere i piedi per terra. It's not possible that the boys are always traveling with their imaginations. They must put their feet on the ground. Congiuntivo Imperfetto: Imperfect Subjunctive A regular congiuntivo imperfetto. Che io viaggiassi Speravi che io viaggiassi volentieri in treno? E infatti! Amo il treno! You hoped that I traveled gladly on the train? Indeed, I love the train! Che tu viaggiassi Vorrei che tu non viaggiassi tanto per lavoro. I wish that you didn't travel so much for work. Che lui, lei, Lei viaggiasse Supponevo che il treno viaggiasse con grande ritardo. I assumed that the train was traveling with delay. Che noi viaggiassimo Temevo che quest'anno viaggiassimo poco. I feared that this year we would travel little. Che voi viaggiaste Immaginavo che voi viaggiaste spesso in aereo. I imagined that you traveled often by plane. Che loro, Loro viaggiassero Non credevo che i ragazzi viaggiassero cosà ¬ tanto con la fantasia. I didn't think that the boys traveled so much with their imaginations. Congiuntivo Passato: Present Perfect Subjunctive The congiuntivo passato is made of the congiuntivo presente of the auxiliary and the participio passato. Che io abbia viaggiato Nessuno crede che io abbia viaggiato cosà ¬ volentieri in treno. No one believes that I have traveled so gladly by train. Che tu abbia viaggiato Sono contenta che tu abbia viaggiato cosà ¬ tanto per lavoro. I am happy that you have traveled so much for work. Che lui, lei, Lei abbia viaggiato Immagino che il treno abbia viaggiato con ritardo. I imagine that the train was delayed. Che noi abbiamo viaggiato Nonostante abbiamo viaggiato poco, abbiamo avuto una vita interessante. Though we have traveled little, we have had an interesting life. Che voi abbiate viaggiato Nonostante abbiate viaggiato spesso in aereo, so che non vi piace. Though you have traveled often by plane, I know you don't like it. Che loro, Loro abbiano viaggiato A meno che non abbiano viaggiato con la fantasia, i ragazzi sono rimasti qui. Unless they traveled with their imaginations, the boys have been here. Congiuntivo Trapassato: Past Perfect Subjunctive A regular congiuntivo trapassato, made of the congiuntivo imperfetto of the auxiliary and the participio passato. Che io avessi viaggiato Nonostante io avessi viaggiato volentieri in treno, prima di questo viaggio non avevo capito quanto fosse veramente fantastico. Though I had always traveled gladly on the train, before this trip I had not understood how fantastic it really was/is. Che tu avessi viaggiato Non pensavo che tu avessi viaggiato cosà ¬ tanto per lavoro. I didn't think you had traveled so much for work. Che lui, lei, Lei avesse viaggiato Non avevo pensato che il treno avesse viaggiato con cosà ¬ tanto ritardo. I had not thought that the train had had so much delay. Che noi avessimo viaggiato Avrei voluto che avessimo viaggiato di pià ¹. I would have wanted for us to have traveled more. Che voi aveste viaggiato Non sapevo che voi aveste viaggiato spesso in aereo. I didn't know that you had traveled so often by plane. Che loro, Loro avessero viaggiato Benchà © i ragazzi avessero viaggiato sempre con la fantasia nei momenti di ozio, avevano i piedi ben piantati per terra. Though the boys had always traveled with their imaginations in their moments of idleness, they had their feet firmly planted on the ground. Condizionale Presente: Present Conditional A regular condizionale presente. Io viaggerei Io viaggerei volentieri in treno se avessi il tempo. I would travel more by train if I had the time. Tu viaggeresti Tu viaggeresti meno per lavoro se potessi. You would travel less for work if you could. Lui, lei, Lei viaggerebbe Il treno viaggerebbe con meno ritardo se non ci fosse lo sciopero. The train would travel with less delay/would be on time if there weren't a strike. Noi viaggeremmo Noi viaggeremmo di pià ¹ se potessimo. We would travel more if we could. Voi viaggereste Voi viaggereste in aereo pià ¹ spesso se vi piacesse. You would travel by plane more often if you liked it. Loro, Loro viaggerebbero I ragazzi viaggerebbero sempre con la fantasia se non li tenessimo coi piedi per terra. The boys would always travel with their imaginations if we didn't keep them grounded Condizionale Passato: Past Conditional The condizionale passato, made of the condizionale presente of the auxiliary and the participio passato. Io avrei viaggiato Io avrei viaggiato volentieri in treno se non fosse cosà ¬ affollato. I would have traveled gladly on the train had it not been so crowded. Tu avresti viaggiato Tu non avresti viaggiato per lavoro se non ti avessero pagato bene. You wouldn't have traveled for work had they not paid you well. Lui, lei, Lei avrebbe viaggiato Il treno non avrebbe viaggiato con ritardo se non ci fosse stato lo sciopero. The train would not have been late had there not been a strike. Noi avremmo viaggiato Noi avremmo viaggiato di pià ¹ se non avessimo avuto figli. We would have traveled more if we had not had children. Voi avreste viaggiato Voi avreste viaggiato spesso in aereo se non aveste cosà ¬ tanti figli. You would have traveled more by plane had you not had so many kids. Loro, Loro avrebbero viaggiato I ragazzi avrebbero viaggiato tutta la mattina con la fantasia se l'insegnante non gli avesse dato dei compiti da fare. The boys would have traveled with their imaginations all morning had the teacher not given them homework to do. Imperativo: Imperative Tu viaggia Viaggia, che vedi il mondo! Travel, that you'll see the world! Noi viaggiamo Dai, viaggiamo un po'. C'mon, let's travel a little! Voi viaggiate Viaggiate, che vi apre la mente! Travel, that it will open your minds! Infinito Presente Passato: Present Past Infinitive As you know, often the infinito functions as a noun, or infinito sostantivato. Viaggiare 1. Mi piace molto viaggiare. 2. Voglio viaggiare dappertutto. 1. I love to travel. 2. I want to travel everywhere. Avere viaggiato Sono felice di avere viaggiato molto. I am happy to have traveled a lot. Participio Presente Passato: Present Past Participle In the case of viaggiare, the participio presente, viaggiante, is actually often used, mostly as an adjective: il personale viaggiante (the traveling personnel, as opposed to the fixed or office personnel that does not travel) or la merce viaggiante (the traveling cargo). On the other hand, the participio passato of viaggiare does not have much use outside of its strict auxiliary purpose. Viaggiante I viaggianti si sono accomodati. The travelers have taken their seats. Viaggiato Vorrei aver viaggiato di pià ¹. I wish I had traveled more. Gerundio Presente Passato: Present Past Gerund Remember the great uses of the Italian gerundio. Viaggiando Viaggiando mi sento aprire la mente. While traveling I feel my mind open. Avendo viaggiato Avendo viaggiato molto, la nonna ha molte storie da raccontare. Having traveled a lot, Grandma has many stories to tell.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Career Of A Makeup Artist - 1785 Words

Starting at the age of 11, there was a blooming girl who began to get genuinely interested in makeup. Her dad though, was not too keen for makeup, so she snuck it on whenever she got to school and made sure she took it off either while she and her brothers walked home or before her dad came to pick her up. This blooming girl was only in the 6th grade, which is kind of reasonable now that she thinks back on it, although when she was 11 she thought it was the most unfair thing; why stop her from doing something she likes that expresses herself and who she can be as a person? However, as time went on and she got older and understood that it just meant he was fearful she was growing up too quickly. Being a Makeup artist would be rewarding,†¦show more content†¦Personality is a major key in this work field; one has to be able to communicate with others and work strong with others. Being a makeup artist is all about coinciding and interacting with people, furthermore if you can n ot do that or do not like to be around people then this is not for you. The experience you have varies much more than the education you have. One could have all the education in the world about being a makeup artist, but that does not mean you excel at it or have the creative eye for it. Anyone could work with vast name brand companies like MAC, Sephora, Makeup Geek, and Ulta without going to school for it, but just simply because you are superior at it and you have the passion for it. Onto the duties of being a makeup artist, which vary as to what you want to do in makeup artistry. Some may have to sell makeup products if they are studying the businesses of the makeup, while others may have the duty of applying the makeup, whether it be special effects makeup, glam makeup, or regular day to day makeup which are the specific duties. General duties would be how to interact with clients, being a makeup artist you have to know your client’s likes; what they want, how they want i t, and what they like. Without knowing any of that information you could be completely perplexed and the client could end up disapproving of what you did for them. Personality is a

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Entrepreneurship For Hospitality Leaders †

Question: Discuss about the Entrepreneurship For Hospitality Leaders. Answer: Introduction The purpose of this task is to provide a brief overview of the technological impacts on the Australian hotel and hospitality industry. The Australia hotel and hospitality industry are known for its welcoming nature towards the visitors of the country. The organizations present in this industry believe that tourism will help them to grow in the competitive index and gain reputation in the market as well. Further talking about business it should be noted that without innovation no entrepreneur and earn well in the market and innovation in the business is a factor which keeps them going in the international market as well. In short, sustainability is gained with the help of such practices. Use of disruptive is a part of innovation and entrepreneurship process only. Further, the below mentioned task talks about the use of disruptive innovation in the hotel and hospitality industry of Australia. Thesis Statement: The below mentioned task provides a detailed view of the impact role and future trends of the disruptive technology on the Australian hotel and hospitality industry. As technology has become one of the major aspects of growth so, the task talks about the ways in which such technology is used in the business process. Disruptive technology Disruptive technology refers to those technologies that significantly used to alter the ways in which business proceeds and operates in the market. More specifically it is a term in the field of business administration which relates to the process of innovation that creates new additional values in the activities of the company which influences the market to act in favor of them. Disruptive innovation specifically helps in the organization in attaining higher position in the market leaving the competitors behind (Guttentag, Smith, 2017). Further it should also be noted that not all innovations are disruptive, some innovations are also called sustainable innovation. Sustainable innovation refers to innovation that initiates sustainability of the company and its activities in the market whereas disruptive innovation refers to the innovation that creates identification of the company or industry in the market through its differential activities (Viglia, Pelloia, Buhalis, 2018). Disruptive innovation is used by entrepreneurs in the organization who aims to promote the company in the market by taking aggressive techniques and risks as well, not by the market leaders who have already established their markets. The disruptive technology was mainly identified by Milan Zeleny in the year 2009; he states that high quality technology which is used by industries in the market to replace, support or upgrades the outdated technologies in the market is called disruptive technology (Hallak, Assaker, OConnor, Lee, 2018). Such technologies simply help the business process in gaining more profits by becoming efficient in the market. Relating the concept to hotel and hospitality industry, it should be noted that this industry requires high degree of technical implication in their process to gain competence in the competitive index. Moreover, this industry helps the country to grow over time and increase their national income as well, as efficient tourism will increase the numbers of traveler visiting the country Australia. Disruptive technology has the biggest contribution in process of disruptive innovation implemented by entrepreneurs in the market (Guttentag, 2015). Impact of disruptive technology in Australian Hotel and Hospitality Industry Talking about the impact of disruptive technology, it should be noted that in hotel and hospitality industry, technology plays an important role as it helps the country to promote their tourism activities worldwide through social media marketing. Apart from that adventure tourism is also highly promoted in Australia, so technology helps the adventure tourism companies to initially promote their market trade and then aware people for saving the nature and the industry as well. Furthermore, the impact of disruptive technology is discussed below: Online Travel Agents (OTAs) scheme was introduced in the market of Australia so as to initiate consumer ownership by personal computers and help people to book tickets and use the services of the companies online. The biggest impact of disruptive technology in the Australian hotel and hospitality industry was that with the help of this process the consumer base of the companies increased which promoted international trade as well. Like, people from New York used the services of the hospitality companies of Australia to come and travel there due to which the country gained the income from their nature which increased the national income as well. Cross country culture trends also started gaining appreciations as the companies of Australia, with the use of technology identified the trends of different countries and used them in their industry which raised the satisfaction level of the customers in the market (Salvioni, 2016). As the process, disruptive innovation also induced price transparency in the market due to which the companies started earning the trust of the customers. As all the prices of the products were prior mentioned on the website of the company which helped the prospective visitors to compare between prices of different companies and choose the organization providing best services to them. All these activities collectively increased the satisfaction level of customers in the market (Veijola, et. al., 2014). Social media marketing techniques were collectively mixed with disruptive innovation with some risks as well. As the companies present in Australian hotel and hospitality industry created packaged tours for the customers gain higher level of satisfaction in the market. These packages included tickets for the rounds, accommodation, and food and site scene traveling expense. The customers were provided a discount on all such rates and a collective package; this increased the sales of the company along with technical advancement (Boxall, Nyanjom, Slaven, 2017). The industry became more safe and secure and the companies started using technology in their business. Adventure tourism was promoted in the market and all the services became more customers driven and efficient as well (Palacios-Marqus, Merig, Soto-Acosta, 2015). Role of disruptive technology in Australian Hotel and Hospitality Industry Technology to improve efficiencies The term technology itself suggests that it is a way to improve the efficacies of the organizations and industries using them. As discussed is above, technology is an aspect which helps a business to grow in long run and gain advantage in the target market as well. Similarly, it is the role of disruptive technology to analyze the resources and opportunities available to them and implement technology in such a way that identification is gained by the company in the market. Disruptive technology helps an organization to initiate activities which are not performed by any other organization in the market (Willie, et. al., 2017). Creating more personal experience Technology in the field of hotel andhospitality management aims to initiate lively experience to the customers so that they prefer the services of the industry again. As the adventure tourism industry of Australia says that they want to provide personal experience to the customer which makes them close to nature. So, it is the role of the technology to satisfy the requirements of the customers adequately, like many customers travel for business trips and many travels for gaining lively experience. So, the disruptive technology shall segregate the services provided to customers that they attain services which are required by them and pay only for that amount (Divisekera, Nguyen, 2018). Technology to save energy Technology is majorly used in this industry to replace the natural resource used by the company. The fact is known to all that natural resources are getting depleted day by day, due to which companies like Intrepid travels which are present in adventure tourism use technology to spread awareness regarding the use of energy in the environment. Such companies used disruptive technology to save energy, further talking about hotels present in the country; it should be noted that hotels are shifting towards environmental sustainability programs through which they are reducing the energy use and replacing them with technological advancement (Wang, So, Sparks, 2017). Cross Culture transaction and collective growth Another role of the disruptive technology is that it aims to increase the satisfaction level of companies by initiatingcross culture management activities. The hotel and hospitality industry is linked with the cross culture transaction of Australia with different countries. So, the role of technology is to link different countries collectively and organize actions in such a way that overall growth is made in the industry. Airline companies, hotels, travel companies etc. form a part of this industry which requires interaction with companies of other countries to grow and sustain. So, disruptive technology connects different organizations and industries which help the company to provide higher level of satisfaction to the customers along with harmony among different countries (Patiar, Ma, Kensbock, Cox, 2017). Future trends of disruptive technology in Australian Hotel and Hospitality Industry The robotics trend in hotels The report of Travel weekly stated that Americas Lodging Investment Summit (ALIS) is aiming to use robots for the help of hotels so as to deliver amenities at the doorstep of guest and providing them sanitation facilities. The initiation seems to contradict the role of hotel companies, as robots cannot provide homely and welcoming experience to the customers. But initiation of this technology will help the companies to fill the workforce gap and many employs are required by the company but few of them are available on the job. So the development of robot facilities will reduce the work pressure of employees and help the company to divide work properly and grow (Bowie, 2018). Technology to improve experiences As technology plays an important role in the travel lifecycle and it also helps in the promotion and advertisement activities for the industry in the target market. So, analyzing the future it should be noted that companies are now becoming more customer-centric and are focusing on increasing the satisfaction level of the customers. Activities like online booking, digital key for rooms, robotic services, automated check-in and check-out activities can be introduced by the companies present in Australian hotel and hospitality industry to gain appreciation (Chan, Okumus, Chan, 2017). Demand for data analysts and scientists There is an emerging demand for data analysts and scientists in the market so as to identify the right type of people for the services of the company. In order to truly understand the guests, the hotel operators are increasingly turning to data scientists to get under the skin of customers. In order to meet the high expectations of customers big data etc., activities are initiated in the industry (Brochado, Rita, Margarido, 2016). Generations and Technology The right types of people are being identified by the company who demands the services offered by the company. Like, adventure tourism services are mainly preferred by millennial tourist so the company is aiming to provide technological services to people according to generation. As old age, people will not understand complex technology (Rosenbaum, Wong, 2015). Recommendation Thus, it should be recommended to the industry that they should focus more on the research and development department field so that they are able to track competitive technology which can enhance the skills and abilities of the market to grow. Investment on RD will reduce the use of energy and will promote the activities of companies in the international market as well. Apart from that, disruptive technology should be initiated carefully and it shall not create destructions of the environment and the market in any way. Conclusion Thus, in the limelight of above mentioned events, it should be noted that disruptive technology refers to the process of technical changes in the organization which increase the profit margin of the company. The above mentioned report successfully explains the impact, role and future trends of the use of disruptive technology in the Australian hotel and hospitality industry. The task also talks about the recommendations to the industry to improve with the help of disruptive technology in the market. The report satisfactorily fulfills all the requirements of the task. References Bowie, D. (2018). Innovation and 19 the century hotel industry evolution. Tourism Management,64, 314-323. Boxall, K., Nyanjom, J., Slaven, J. (2017). Disability, hospitality and the new sharing economy.International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, (just-accepted), 00-00. Brochado, A., Rita, P., Margarido, A. (2016). High tech meets high touch in upscale hotels.Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology,7(4), 347-365. Chan, E. S., Okumus, F., Chan, W. (2017). The applications of environmental technologies in hotels.Journal of Hospitality Marketing Management,26(1), 23-47. Divisekera, S., Nguyen, V. K. (2018). Determinants of innovation in tourism evidence from Australia.Tourism Management,67, 157-167. Guttentag, D. (2015). Airbnb: disruptive innovation and the rise of an informal tourism accommodation sector.Current issues in Tourism,18(12), 1192-1217. Guttentag, D. A., Smith, S. L. (2017). Assessing Airbnb as a disruptive innovation relative to hotels: Substitution and comparative performance expectations.International Journal of Hospitality Management,64, 1-10. Hallak, R., Assaker, G., OConnor, P., Lee, C. (2018). Firm performance in the upscale restaurant sector: The effects of resilience, creative self-efficacy, innovation and industry experience.Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services,40, 229-240. Palacios-Marqus, D., Merig, J. M., Soto-Acosta, P. (2015). Online social networks as an enabler of innovation in organizations.Management Decision,53(9), 1906-1920. Patiar, A., Ma, E., Kensbock, S., Cox, R. (2017). Hospitality Management Students Expectation and Perception of a Virtual Field Trip Web Site: An Australian Case Study Using ImportancePerformance Analysis.Journal of Hospitality Tourism Education,29(1), 1-12. Rosenbaum, M. S., Wong, I. A. (2015). If you install it, will they use it? Understanding why hospitality customers take technological pauses from self-service technology.Journal of Business Research,68(9), 1862-1868. Salvioni, D. (2016). Hotel Chains and the Sharing Economy in Global Tourism. Veijola, S., Molz, J. 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Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Supply and demand for the pors Essay Example For Students

Supply and demand for the pors Essay The Porsche Boxter Unveiled in February 1996 at a low-profile motor show in Hamburg, the Porsche Boxter was not born on a computer screen or in a focus group, but in the hearts, minds and imaginations of a small band of engineers with a passion for driving. Many were surprised when Porsche unveiled its new sports car, but later they realised that this was no ordinary car, it was special. Ever since the first display of the prototype, the Boxter received massive hype from the press, many reporters saying it could be the greatest car in Porsches entire production history. We will write a custom essay on Supply and demand for the pors specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Upon its first display in Britain, the Boxter caught the imaginations of many. A relatively cheap sports car when in comparison with the Italian models, Lamborghini and Ferrari, yet still powerful, beautiful, and phenomenally safe. When the Boxter was first released, it was clear who would provide the market competitors. BMWs Z3 Roadster had also received much newspaper coverage, and had a flash advertising scam. The Lotus Elise was already established as a great sports car, and the MGF, with a true tradition in sports car making, much like Porsche. And also the Honda NSX. The basic Boxter model did amazingly well on the market; at first having a waiting list, mainly due to the fully customisable interior and exterior. 78 different metallic paints and 48 different leathers brought about the main available choices to customers. The Porsche Boxter S, at $6000 greater expense, still has a 2-year waiting list. Despite the great profile the Boxter was building, Porsche decided not to invest into international advertising, and instead adopted a direct mail system in each of its countries of sale. Thus the only people really targeted, were those who had purchased a Porsche automobile previously. Thus they created a hungry target market; also giving away free test-drives throughout Europe. The Boxters price was its main advantage. It was said that by pricing the car exactly right Porsche executives had cornerstoned the market. The Boxter S was cunningly underpriced, so that when it was actually purchased, it would rise in value. Thus the demand for these cars was massive, and due to the waiting list, people tried to buy second hand, from Porsches own recently established second-hand dealers. To outline basically the influences on demand for the Boxter: 1) Features of the car, i.e. Safety, Power, Speed etc 2) Reputation of the Porsche group in both the manufacture of race-cars and road-cars 3) Perceived future value of the Boxter S 4) Available customer choice 5) Lack of competition in this field 6) Rarity of the good And to outline the influences on supply: 1) Limited available production due to there only being one Porsche production plant 2) Personal customisation of the vehicles 3) Purposeful creation of rarity In 1997/98, Porsche was able to expand its business because of the strong demand for the 911 and Boxster models. The Groups sales rose by 13 percent to 36,686 vehicles, its turnover by 20 percent to 4. 9 billion DM. This was thanks to a high volume of orders in hand and a cautious medium-term hedging policy against possible exchange-rate fluctuations in the most important currencies, earnings and turnover prospects for the current year are also encouraging. Due to continuing strong demand for both model lines, Porsche were almost certain to increase the previous years high production and sales levels still further in 1998/99. Since Porsche is engaged in optimising processes throughout the Group, further strengthening of the companys internal earning power is anticipated. Looking into the future, Porsche has also hedged against possible fluctuations and weaknesses of the most important currencies in the medium to long term. In Frankfurt, Porsche, the sportscar maker, announced on Tuesday that group sales for the fiscal year ended July 31 were up 24 per cent to DM6. .u9bf86e31534ea0246327466caae2b895 , .u9bf86e31534ea0246327466caae2b895 .postImageUrl , .u9bf86e31534ea0246327466caae2b895 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u9bf86e31534ea0246327466caae2b895 , .u9bf86e31534ea0246327466caae2b895:hover , .u9bf86e31534ea0246327466caae2b895:visited , .u9bf86e31534ea0246327466caae2b895:active { border:0!important; } .u9bf86e31534ea0246327466caae2b895 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u9bf86e31534ea0246327466caae2b895 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u9bf86e31534ea0246327466caae2b895:active , .u9bf86e31534ea0246327466caae2b895:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u9bf86e31534ea0246327466caae2b895 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u9bf86e31534ea0246327466caae2b895 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u9bf86e31534ea0246327466caae2b895 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u9bf86e31534ea0246327466caae2b895 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u9bf86e31534ea0246327466caae2b895:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u9bf86e31534ea0246327466caae2b895 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u9bf86e31534ea0246327466caae2b895 .u9bf86e31534ea0246327466caae2b895-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u9bf86e31534ea0246327466caae2b895:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Imperialism Analysis Essay1bn ($3.2bn), against DM4.9bn one year earlier. Unit sales were 20 per cent higher at 43,980 from 36,686 last year. The company described pre-tax profit in 1999 as reasonable but declined to provide exact figures. Despite expenses associated with the development of a new four-wheel drive vehicle, Porsche said it aimed to match last years earnings in . Supply and demand for the pors Essay Example For Students Supply and demand for the pors Essay The Porsche Boxter Unveiled in February 1996 at a low-profile motor show in Hamburg, the Porsche Boxter was not born on a computer screen or in a focus group, but in the hearts, minds and imaginations of a small band of engineers with a passion for driving. Many were surprised when Porsche unveiled its new sports car, but later they realised that this was no ordinary car, it was special. Ever since the first display of the prototype, the Boxter received massive hype from the press, many reporters saying it could be the greatest car in Porsches entire production history. We will write a custom essay on Supply and demand for the pors specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Upon its first display in Britain, the Boxter caught the imaginations of many. A relatively cheap sports car when in comparison with the Italian models, Lamborghini and Ferrari, yet still powerful, beautiful, and phenomenally safe. When the Boxter was first released, it was clear who would provide the market competitors. BMWs Z3 Roadster had also received much newspaper coverage, and had a flash advertising scam. The Lotus Elise was already established as a great sports car, and the MGF, with a true tradition in sports car making, much like Porsche. And also the Honda NSX. The basic Boxter model did amazingly well on the market; at first having a waiting list, mainly due to the fully customisable interior and exterior. 78 different metallic paints and 48 different leathers brought about the main available choices to customers. The Porsche Boxter S, at $6000 greater expense, still has a 2-year waiting list. Despite the great profile the Boxter was building, Porsche decided not to invest into international advertising, and instead adopted a direct mail system in each of its countries of sale. Thus the only people really targeted, were those who had purchased a Porsche automobile previously. Thus they created a hungry target market; also giving away free test-drives throughout Europe. The Boxters price was its main advantage. It was said that by pricing the car exactly right Porsche executives had cornerstoned the market. The Boxter S was cunningly underpriced, so that when it was actually purchased, it would rise in value. Thus the demand for these cars was massive, and due to the waiting list, people tried to buy second hand, from Porsches own recently established second-hand dealers. To outline basically the influences on demand for the Boxter: 1) Features of the car, i.e. Safety, Power, Speed etc 2) Reputation of the Porsche group in both the manufacture of race-cars and road-cars 3) Perceived future value of the Boxter S 4) Available customer choice 5) Lack of competition in this field 6) Rarity of the good And to outline the influences on supply: 1) Limited available production due to there only being one Porsche production plant 2) Personal customisation of the vehicles 3) Purposeful creation of rarity In 1997/98, Porsche was able to expand its business because of the strong demand for the 911 and Boxster models. The Groups sales rose by 13 percent to 36,686 vehicles, its turnover by 20 percent to 4. 9 billion DM. This was thanks to a high volume of orders in hand and a cautious medium-term hedging policy against possible exchange-rate fluctuations in the most important currencies, earnings and turnover prospects for the current year are also encouraging. Due to continuing strong demand for both model lines, Porsche were almost certain to increase the previous years high production and sales levels still further in 1998/99. Since Porsche is engaged in optimising processes throughout the Group, further strengthening of the companys internal earning power is anticipated. Looking into the future, Porsche has also hedged against possible fluctuations and weaknesses of the most important currencies in the medium to long term. In Frankfurt, Porsche, the sportscar maker, announced on Tuesday that group sales for the fiscal year ended July 31 were up 24 per cent to DM6. .uc3723b0dfa846e33f112e880aad24577 , .uc3723b0dfa846e33f112e880aad24577 .postImageUrl , .uc3723b0dfa846e33f112e880aad24577 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc3723b0dfa846e33f112e880aad24577 , .uc3723b0dfa846e33f112e880aad24577:hover , .uc3723b0dfa846e33f112e880aad24577:visited , .uc3723b0dfa846e33f112e880aad24577:active { border:0!important; } .uc3723b0dfa846e33f112e880aad24577 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc3723b0dfa846e33f112e880aad24577 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc3723b0dfa846e33f112e880aad24577:active , .uc3723b0dfa846e33f112e880aad24577:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc3723b0dfa846e33f112e880aad24577 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc3723b0dfa846e33f112e880aad24577 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc3723b0dfa846e33f112e880aad24577 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc3723b0dfa846e33f112e880aad24577 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc3723b0dfa846e33f112e880aad24577:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc3723b0dfa846e33f112e880aad24577 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc3723b0dfa846e33f112e880aad24577 .uc3723b0dfa846e33f112e880aad24577-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc3723b0dfa846e33f112e880aad24577:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The History of Carbon Persuasive Essay1bn ($3.2bn), against DM4.9bn one year earlier. Unit sales were 20 per cent higher at 43,980 from 36,686 last year. The company described pre-tax profit in 1999 as reasonable but declined to provide exact figures. Despite expenses associated with the development of a new four-wheel drive vehicle, Porsche said it aimed to match last years earnings in the . Supply and demand for the pors Essay Example For Students Supply and demand for the pors Essay The Porsche BoxterUnveiled in February 1996 at a low-profile motor show in Hamburg, the Porsche Boxter was not born on a computer screen or in a focus group, but in the hearts, minds and imaginations of a small band of engineers with a passion for driving. Many were surprised when Porsche unveiled its new sports car, but later they realised that this was no ordinary car, it was special. Ever since the first display of the prototype, the Boxter received massive hype from the press, many reporters saying it could be the greatest car in Porsches entire production history. Upon its first display in Britain, the Boxter caught the imaginations of many. A relatively cheap sports car when in comparison with the Italian models, Lamborghini and Ferrari, yet still powerful, beautiful, and phenomenally safe. We will write a custom essay on Supply and demand for the pors specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now When the Boxter was first released, it was clear who would provide the market competitors. BMW’s Z3 Roadster had also received much newspaper coverage, and had a flash advertising scam. The Lotus Elise was already established as a great sports car, and the MGF, with a true tradition in sports car making, much like Porsche. And also the Honda NSX. The basic Boxter model did amazingly well on the market; at first having a waiting list, mainly due to the fully customisable interior and exterior. 78 different metallic paints and 48 different leathers brought about the main available choices to customers. The Porsche Boxter S, at $6000 greater expense, still has a 2-year waiting list. Despite the great profile the Boxter was building, Porsche decided not to invest into international advertising, and instead adopted a direct mail system in each of its countries of sale. Thus the only people really targeted, were those who had purchased a Porsche automobile previously. Thus they created a hungry target market; also giving away free test-drives throughout Europe. The Boxter’s price was its main advantage. It was said that by pricing the car exactly right Porsche executives had cornerstoned the market. The Boxter S was cunningly underpriced, so that when it was actually purchased, it would rise in value. Thus the demand for these cars was massive, and due to the waiting list, people tried to buy second hand, from Porsches own recently established second-hand dealers. To outline basically the influences on demand for the Boxter:1) Features of the car, i.e. Safety, Power, Speed etc2) Reputation of the Porsche group in both the manufacture of race-cars and road-cars3) Perceived future value of the Boxter S4) Available customer choice5) Lack of competition in this field6) Rarity of the goodAnd to outline the influences on supply:1) Limited available production due to there only being one Porsche production plant2) Personal customisation of the vehicles3) Purposeful creation of rarityIn 1997/98, Porsche was able to expand its business because of the strong demand for the 911 and Boxster models. The Groups sales rose by 13 percent to 36,686 vehicles, its turnover by 20 percent to 4.9 billion DM. This was thanks to a high volume of orders in hand and a cautious medium-term hedging policy against possible exchange-rate fluctuations in the most important currencies, earnings and turnover prospects for the current year are also encouraging. Due to continui ng strong demand for both model lines, Porsche were almost certain to increase the previous years high production and sales levels still further in 1998/99. Since Porsche is engaged in optimising processes throughout the Group, further strengthening of the companys internal earning power is anticipated. Looking into the future, Porsche has also hedged against possible fluctuations and weaknesses of the most important currencies in the medium to long term. In Frankfurt, Porsche, the sportscar maker, announced on Tuesday that group sales for the fiscal year ended July 31 were up 24 per cent to DM6.1bn ($3.2bn), against DM4.9bn one year earlier. .u3b98265f677a25329bf3060b1c80d2fc , .u3b98265f677a25329bf3060b1c80d2fc .postImageUrl , .u3b98265f677a25329bf3060b1c80d2fc .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u3b98265f677a25329bf3060b1c80d2fc , .u3b98265f677a25329bf3060b1c80d2fc:hover , .u3b98265f677a25329bf3060b1c80d2fc:visited , .u3b98265f677a25329bf3060b1c80d2fc:active { border:0!important; } .u3b98265f677a25329bf3060b1c80d2fc .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u3b98265f677a25329bf3060b1c80d2fc { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u3b98265f677a25329bf3060b1c80d2fc:active , .u3b98265f677a25329bf3060b1c80d2fc:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u3b98265f677a25329bf3060b1c80d2fc .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u3b98265f677a25329bf3060b1c80d2fc .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u3b98265f677a25329bf3060b1c80d2fc .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u3b98265f677a25329bf3060b1c80d2fc .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u3b98265f677a25329bf3060b1c80d2fc:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u3b98265f677a25329bf3060b1c80d2fc .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u3b98265f677a25329bf3060b1c80d2fc .u3b98265f677a25329bf3060b1c80d2fc-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u3b98265f677a25329bf3060b1c80d2fc:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Electoral College (1859 words) EssayUnit sales were 20 per cent higher at 43,980 from 36,686 last year. The company described pre-tax profit in 1999 as reasonable but declined to provide exact figures. Despite expenses associated with the development of a new four-wheel drive vehicle, Porsche said it aimed to match last years earnings in the current business year.